We provide confidential services around the globe, serving as spiritual consultants, psychics, practitioners of hoodoo and spiritual herbalists.
We also provide herbal products (bath mixes, scrubs, mojos, oils and powders) for spiritual cleansing, protection, money blessings, drawing love and spiritual gift development.
We trust you will be as happy as our other clients. Our clients come back again and again. We believe that speaks best of our work, and we are happy to provide reviews and references should you need them.

All services and spiritual products we offer on our site are for entertainment purposes only. Take everything at your own discretion and decide for yourself the meaning and value of our work in your life.
Remember also that nothing in this world is guaranteed.
Some may not understand how magic and spell casting work. Spells manipulate the energy around us to bend to our will and manifest our needs and desires. Magic cannot be rushed. Whether a spell is successful or not depends heavily on you and also on Spirit.
If you have doubt or negative thinking toward the work, delays in results can occur or the work can fail all together. Remember thoughts are powerful and your actions count toward what occurs in your life.
No spell is ever guaranteed to work and the ethical spellcaster is obligated to do the work, not to 100% produce the results you want. Our commitment to you is that we put forth the best effort we know, using our experiences with countless clients, and drawing from the ancient traditions we have been taught. The best we can offer you is our experience, knowledge and the commitment to use those in dedication on your behalf.
We offer no refunds for services. Our focused attention, time, energy,
education and expertise are given to you when you seek out a particular service.
We can take no responsibility for what happens after we serve you. That most of
our business comes from long established clients, and that most of the people
we serve once come back, is the best evidence we can offer that our work is
somehow beneficial to those who use our services.